Sunday, June 13, 2008
The first, Our family very happy, pervade hit my soul without imagining something bad waiting in front of my live. My husband and my mother picked me up from the clinic after giving birth of our second baby in this morning. Absolutely a great happiness of our lives.
When we were in the bedroom, my husband got a phone called from his friend which his mother's friend had passed away. My husband was so shocked and ran out from the bedroom since then I did not know what happened with my baby, he started to cry. I tried to open all his clothes maybe an insect bite, but i couldn't find anything. I applied the eucalyptus oil on his whole body as well but still he really didn't want to stop crying, he just got me confused. Suddenly I heard my mobile was ringing then i felt that something might happened, when i picked up the phone, the blood in my body seemed to stop, legs that supported me was shock, my vision became dark, but i realized that i was cuddling a crying baby on my arms, I walked to the bed with my blurry eyes. I put my baby on the bed then i hold on the bed side to try to climb out from the weak.
My elder daughter who was beside me, came to give me a favor. She was calm as she gave me a water to console me up.
"What happen mom?" asked her.
" Dear, your father got an accident, his right shoulder and ribs have broken. He will be hospitalized and needs intensive care for about several months" .We both really worry about the issue.
Most of my husband friends know about this case then they come to reduce my anxiety, I had have little worry since then. We were seperated two months because he needed an intensive care in hospita, finally we both can be together again. It was a miracle to know that he can still finish the order painting on time, although his right shoulder and ribs had broken.
I really learn something from this life obstacle which there are thousand ways to solve the problems even it is impossible. And i believe if we never give it up, we can always find the conclusion.
By: Farah N. Wisesa
About Me
- Wisesa Art House
- Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
- Di mulai tahun 1998, dan baru dikukuhkan Desember 2009. Dikenal dengan Rumah Seni Wisesa. Kami mendokumentasikan alam, dan lingkungan lewat lukisan. Realitas alam sebagai sumber inspirasi, telah menjadikan rumah kami sebagai persinggahan bagi pecinta seni, baik itu collector, penikmat seni atau hanya sekedar berdiskusi. Pendiri dari Rumah Seni Wisesa adalah: Hardiman dan Farah Wisesa. Lembaga Kesenian ini bersifat independen dan non profit. Kami menolak donasi dari berbagai lembaga yang bersifat politik, sehingga kami bebas melukiskan apa saja tanpa dibebani dengan unsur-unsur politik. Kami menerima donasi dari anda dalam bentuk apapun, baik berupa tulisan, buku-buku bekas, terutama yang berhubungan dengan flora dan founa. Ketertarikan terhadap minat yang sama seperti anda dapat menjadi tulang punggung untuk menyuarakan kebebasan berekspresi.
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